What's it like being a night nanny?

A Day In The Life Of A Night Nanny

Find out what it's like being a night nanny, and how I help my clients in those first few weeks of parenthood.
what's it like to be a night nanny
Me, Emma Ballantyne.

What’s it like to be a night nanny?

I’ve wanted to work with children since I was very young, you can find out more about how I got started here. I love caring for babies, and I’m passionate about helping the parents I work with build their confidence as their baby grows. I work with families in many different ways; in person, or giving support over the phone. But the one you are probably least familiar with is my role as a night nanny.

Every day (or night) is different!

You can find some more general information about who night nannies are and what they do in this Good Housekeeping article. But, just as every baby is different, none of my nights on duty are ever the same!

You might have heard families call us a baby nurse or night nurse, I personally prefer to use the term Newborn Care Specialist. Whatever you call me though, my job is to support a family through their very first days with their new baby. And each family can need something very different.

A woman tucks a blanket around a baby in a moses basket

Responding to a family’s needs

When I’m working with a family overnight I’ll begin by finding out what they actually need support with. When I arrive for my first night I’ll already have spent some time talking to the parents about their baby, their schedule, and their particular needs. We’re going to be in each other’s space so it’s important that everyone knows what to expect.

I’ll usually arrive at 9pm if this is a first baby. If there are older children then I’ll start work earlier. This way I can look after the baby and the parents can put the older siblings to bed.

I might put the baby to bed, or the parents might prefer to do that. But then I’m fully on duty. I do whatever you would do with your baby at night. If a mum wants to feed during the night then when the baby wakes up I go and wake mum up. If the parents are frazzled and need a full night’s sleep then I’ll feed the baby a bottle.

Once feeding is done, whoever is doing it, I’ll deal with nappy changes, and resettle the baby. And I’ll do this as many times as needed throughout the night.

Where do I sleep?

Contrary to popular opinion I don’t stay awake all night! There might be occasions where a family needs me to be awake and on-call all night, but this comes at an additional cost.

I sleep in the nursery with the baby, ideally in a proper bed. However, I am quick to respond when the baby wakes up during the night, just as you would be sleeping next to your own child.

night nanny baby nappy change

The morning after

Once the baby has woken up for the day I hand them back to mum or dad and give a debrief on how the night went. Parents need to know how often their baby woke up, how many nappy changes were needed, and how settled or unsettled they were so that they can plan for the day.

Then I pop downstairs, sterilize any bottles used and, if necessary, prep feeds for the day. I like my clients to start the day feeling fresh and energized, not with a long to-do list first thing in the morning. Once that’s done, I’ll leave the house, usually around 7am, and I’m all done for the day!

My favorite thing about being a night nanny

I love that my job doesn’t feel like work. It is my passion. New parenthood is an extraordinary time in your life, and I consider it a privilege that my clients choose to include me in their journey. Nothing makes me happier than watching my clients become confident in their role as parents.

So, next time one of my curious relatives asks me “So, what’s it like being a night nanny?”, I might just point them to this post!