monochrome baby nursery

Nursery essentials: a handy checklist for baby’s nursery

Here are the real nursery essentials you need when having a newborn baby. An easy to use checklist, plus top brand recommendations from an experienced nanny

There are a million different nursery essential checklists out on the internet. And they’re usually trying to sell you their entire product catalogue.

In such a noisy market, it can be difficult to work out which items are truly newborn baby essentials. And which will end up gathering dust in the corner of the nursery.

I’ve worked in hundreds of homes, and helped set up so many nurseries, I feel like I’ve encountered every baby product on the market. And, seen items created for the weirdest reasons.

Which is why I’m here to relieve your overwhelm, with this guide to setting up the perfect baby nursery.

This list will help know what to spend your hard-earned money on and what not to bother with. The real fact is, all your baby needs is love, nourishment, warmth, a safe home environment, and some essentials to help create that environment.

Here are what I believe to be the most important elements of setting up your space for a baby!

Somewhere to sleep

A wicker moses basket with cream bedding and a blue knitted baby cardigan with pompoms draped over the end

Your baby will probably have several different sleeping spots in the first year of their life. And each one will need to comply with safe sleep standards. You can find out more from The Lullaby Trust.  

Which furniture you choose will depend on the room you have available, and what you want for your routine. You might have assumed you’d need the traditional Moses basket or swinging crib. But the majority of my clients opt for a bedside bassinet until they are ready to move their little one into the nursery. You can use the cot from birth if that’s preferred, as long as it’s in your sleep area. SIDS guidelines advise that parents or caregivers room share for at least the first six months. 

If you don’t want to purchase a bassinet and a cot but want a bedside option, it’s a good idea to choose a travel cot with a bassinet attached for longevity.As for bedding, I recommend having 3 soft sheets on hand – one for the wash, one for the bed, and one spare. Any blankets should be breathable, and tucked in tight with no loose edges. It’s often easier to stick with swaddle blankets (more on those later), or sleeping bags. Your baby won’t need a pillow. You’ll also need a new, firm mattress, with a waterproof mattress protector under the sheet to protect from any accidents.

A woman with long brown hair adjusts the blankets of a baby in a pram. They are standing in front of a large bush. A white house can be just seen behind them

A car seat

You can’t leave the hospital without it! When it comes to picking which system is right for you, here are some things to think about.

I think that the most convenient option is an infant capsule. These are very portable. It is so simple to transport your baby in and out of the vehicle when they fall asleep without waking them.

When using an infant capsule, it is essential to remember not to keep your baby in the capsule for more than 2 hours at a time. If you’re planning a long drive, regularly stop for breaks.

Alternatively, there are also convertible car seats on the market. These are suitable from birth onwards, and will usually last you at least 2 years with their various settings. They are installed and remain in your car.

A baby of asian heritage smiles out from a dark red buggy, wearing a white hooded top. The buggy stands in the middle of a tree-lined road

A new set of wheels

I don’t mean a new car – though that may also be needed if you’re running out of space with multiple kids! I’m talking about your pram.

There are so many options out there that it feels a bit like pledging allegiance to a club. Do I get a Bugaboo? Uppababy? Cybex? Mountain Buggy? Here comes the overwhelm!

My advice? Instead of focusing on the hottest brand right now, make sure what you choose will suit your lifestyle. Think about:

  • Size. Will it fit in your car? Can you lift it when you need to?
  • Construction and suspension quality – baby wants a comfy ride!
  • Useability. Are you going to be taking it on your morning runs, or along bumpy canal paths?
  • Storage space, for all those toys, muslins, and clothes you’ll be carrying around.

Car seat compatibility, i.e. if you want to have a travel system.

A white woman wears a baby in a grey fabric sling. The baby's foot can be just seen

A baby carrier – wear those babies!

I tell every one of my clients to purchase a baby carrier. Perhaps you never saw yourself doing the household chores with a sleeping newborn strapped to you, but you may be surprised just how much you end up using it.

There are several different options:

  • Stretchy wrap carriers such as a Happy Baby wrap,
  • A newborn-ready structured carrier,
  • Ring slings,
  • A pre-tied stretch carrier, or
  • Woven wraps

Trust me, it becomes a lifesaver on those fussy days where the baby only wants contact naps, but you have things to do!

A young baby sits in a miniature white footed bath, putting his hands together and smiling

Bath time essentials

Even if you keep them clear of anything sticky or mucky – your baby will get dirty. Babies are dirt magnets from the moment they’re born. And having an easy way to keep them clean is so important.

Again, specifics for a baby bath depend on your housing arrangements. But, if you have a bathtub, you won’t regret purchasing the Angelcare bath seat to fit in it!

And, if there are sink baths in your parenting future, an insert like the Puj seat is fantastic in the early months.

a pregnant woman with long brown hair in a pink spotted dress, rests her hands on a cot in the nursery

A comfy place to sit

Sure, once your little one reaches toddlerhood, you might stare at the sofa like a long lost friend. But at the beginning, you’re going to spend a lot of time feeding. So you want somewhere comfortable to do it! Look for a comfy chair that supports your back, with armrests that keep your arms and shoulders comfortable. It can also be beneficial if it glides and reclines.

BB Tip: Have a small side table next to your nursing chair and load it with the following:

  • A large bottle of water with a straw or refillable jug/cup,
  • A snack,
  • Some nipple cream,
  • A phone charging cord, and
  • A big stack of muslins to wipe up spills or spit-up.

There – all your supplies in one place.

a small baby sits up on a bed behind a lit night light

The sleep environment

You’ll spend a lot of time in the first year of your baby’s life thinking about sleep. And creating the perfect sleep environment will give you and your baby the tools you need for top quality sleep.

I employ white noise to help instigate the bedtime routine with all of my families. And a nightlight for those middle-of-the-night feeds is essential (no one wants to be scrabbling for the bottle in the dark!). Why not combine them both and get something along the lines of a Hatch Baby?

When looking for a nightlight, it should ideally be red-light based vs. blue-light based – we’ve all heard about how the blue light of our screens interrupts sleep, and it can have an impact on your baby’s quality of sleep too.A baby monitor can also be useful if the nursery is far away from where you spend most of your time, or if you want to check whether baby is actually awake before you go into the room.

a close up of a changing table in a nursery, with a teddy bear laying on it

Nursery essentials for changing

A dedicated baby changing area is super convenient. Make sure it’s stocked with:

  • A change mat,
  • Nappies,
  • Wipes,
  • Spare clothes
  • Nappy cream, and
  • Nappy sacks.

Organize the drawers below or beside your changing area so that the items you reach for the most are easy to get to while still keeping one hand on your baby.

BB Tip: Use a basket with a handle, and fill it with everything you need to do a nappy change. You now have a portable changing station that you can carry around the house with you!

a baby in a pink nappy lays, face down on a white sheet, next to a dog soft toy

Old-fashioned Muslins

You know the nappies our parents would pin around us, leaving us with a large towelling pad to fall onto? They’re so useful!

Use them as a burp cloth, under the baby’s head to contain spit up, and in the bath. They are super versatile. They come in a pack of 12 from K-Mart. I guarantee it’ll be the best $19 you ever spend!

a newborn baby swaddled in a blanket and laying on a stripy sheet, crying

Swaddle blankets – baby burrito!

Stretchy swaddle blankets are a staple in my Baby Care Kit, as are Love to Dream swaddles. You can get a nice secure swaddle with the stretchy material – but be careful not to wrap too tightly around the hips.

The Love to Dream swaddle is one of the best non-traditional swaddle options on the market. The arms up position allows them to sleep in their most natural sleep position, with no extra material flapping around on top of the mattress.

a baby wearing a white hat is swaddled in a green blanket, laying in a moses basket

Clothes – fashion baby!

Mini Me outfits and tiny baby bomber jackets have become a whole industry in the last few years. And yes, they are cute.

I know it’s tempting, but all a baby needs at the beginning is sleepsuits and bodysuits. Bonds Wondersuits are the jam, and the Wonderbodies are also fantastic!

I suggest having roughly ten bodysuits and ten sleepsuits to allow for multiple outfit changes and messes. I also rate having a few knot gowns for night time – super swift nappy changes when you’re bleary-eyed at 3am!

a white woman sits cross legged on a grey sofa, wearing a double breast pump, attached by wires to the motor next to her

Invest in a good breast pump

If you plan to breastfeed, you need a good quality breast pump. I generally recommend the Medela pumps, or Spectra for a hospital-grade option. New wearable pumps like the Elvie are great for on the go. It’s also super handy to have a Haaka in your bag; they are perfect for catching milk on the side you aren’t feeding on. Every drop counts right; they call it liquid gold for a reason!

If you’re based in the US and have health insurance, check if your policy covers your pump before you buy one yourself.

a brown haired baby sits in a bouncer, with a dummy in his mouth

Bouncing Bubbas!

The Baby Bjorn bouncer is a staple baby swing in most of my client’s homes for an excellent reason. It offers a safe place for babies to sit and rest and will grow with your child through the first six to twelve months. It’s also a great station for early play. You can flip the fabric over to convert it to a seat for an older baby//young toddler, and it has a high weight limit.

If you’re on the move it folds flat for storage and you can pack it small for when you travel or go to grandma’s house.

a woman lays out tiny knitted booties on top of a vest, and a muslin

Nappy bags and beyond!

Just as you probably put a lot of thought into your own handbag, replacing it with a nappy bag can be a big decision. There are so many nappy bag styles out there.

I’d suggest getting a convertible bag that can swap between backpack and shoulder bag mode for the most versatility. This also means that anyone looking after your baby can carry it easily.

My go-to brand is Lily Jade. Their bags are stylish and functional. And, with their versatile look, you can use them way beyond the baby years!

If you need help setting up your home for your baby’s arrival, why not book a free discovery call to find out how I can help you.